Whole Heart Commitment

God is looking for our whole-heart commitment to Him. But that commitment also extends into how we live. When we make commitments it is extremely important that we keep them. We live in a world of broken covenants and commitments. This is a major component that fosters dysfunctional lives. Come hell or high water we need to learn to keep the commitments that we make.  It can be sacrificial.  What if Jesus had got to a point before the cross and just said He was “not in the mood?” It is not the thought that counts – it is the follow through!   Jesus said to be perfect as He is perfect. That does not mean we are going to be perfect – but it does mean we are going to be faithful and do everything we can in our power to keep our word.  God is only as good as His promises to us. A person is only as good as his word. How do you feel when someone breaks a commitment to you?  Does that make you feel good?  Now put the shoe on your foot and think about how others feel when you don’t keep your word.  We reap what we sow.  What you do will come back to you eventually.  

Look at the life of David.  He blew it by committing adultery. He had to suffer the rebellion of his son Absalom, leave the kingdom to him and then wander around until God brought His merciful justice into the situation. There are repercussions for bad decisions. Some commitments are bigger than others. But whether big or small they all represent the character of a person or the lack of it. Every person has a foundation grid to how they operate in their life.  This is one of those foundation stones that if removed will cause serious problems. This can be one that if missing can affect the measure of God’s blessings on a life. Take your commitments seriously because it is better not to make one than to break one. Making the right commitments will lead to a life of blessing and overflow. Ask God to give you wisdom to choose your commitments and grace to keep them every day.

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