Be Encourage My Beloved To Stay In The Race

The Spirit of the Lord impress upon my heart while ministering to me with his presence as the Holy Spirit infill me with the Joy of the Lord. The Spirit revealing His desire in my heart to encourage the saints of God going through the wine press or storms of life to be “Encouraged to stay in the race!”  Many leaders and believers tend to always give out spiritually and pour out to the people God thus leaving them at times, feeling spiritually drained and over worked. Sometimes it can even feel like you are getting nothing in return, making you to believe and feel that your labor is in VAIN! This is an attack of the enemy to play on our emotions in order to get us to burn out and eventually QUIT! Just like a normal job you need a BREAK! 

Remember many  ministries that operate in deliverance are under demonic surveillance from critics and haters and this is pulling on their spiritual strength & growth. So we tend to get weary in well doing. God says today, that your labor isn’t in vain. As you begin to drink from the well of LIVING  WATER (GOD’S WORD) he says he shall revive you, replenish you and establish your going. Psalm 40:2 “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.”  We must endured these trials in our life, yet we  are still pressing by the GRACE OF GOD. God is proud of his people who are holding fast to their faith and his promises, for many have fallen away. Keep the faith and endure hardship as a good soldier, says the Lord!

I prophecy in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that you will continue to LIVE and not Die and declare the works of the Lord. You will be like a tree planted that can’t be moved. You will standstill and see the SALVATION of the LORD. God is restoring and pouring into his faithful people, continue to drink his everlasting water. Matthew 5: 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Saints be aware this day, that the Joy of the Lord is your strength and as you continue to worship, commit and submit God is pouring more and more Love and Joy upon you. Your cup will run over and goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your Life. You shall run and not faint and God is renewing your strength even now! 

Yes, Beloved saints of God, many ministers and Believers again, I declare that your LABOR isn’t in Vain. You shall REAP the Harvest you poured out, if you do not faint! Your latter rain shall be GREATER says the LORD!! Look to the hills which comes your help, know from this day, that your help comes from GOD. Know that God is renewing your strength because your hope is in the LORD! Stay in the race, because God is with you. May his LIVING Word comfort you until the day of Jesus Christ!  Isaiah 4:31 “But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”

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