Abba Father Is Concerns Of Your Needs! You Are in The Right Place & Ripe Time Too

Abba Father God is making it known to all His Beloved Children, that you are more important than you know; your life matters greatly. He created you in His image and likeness; you are wonderfully and fearfully made. He is going to full-on pursue you in these coming months and has every intention of revealing Himself to you in extraordinary and significant ways.This is not a time for worry or fear, but for rest and trust in our great and awesome God. He knows you from the inside out. He knows all your hurts, tears, brokenness, and disappointments. He knows your mistakes. He knows all the right choices you’ve made too, and how you’ve stood your ground in faith, even when it was hard. He knows all the hopes, and dreams, and wishes you carry deep in your heart. He knows the longings you have that no one else does.And He’s come to say get ready for what He has for you.
ABBA FATHER SAYING TO YOU: “You are at the RIGHT and RIPE place at the RIGHT and RIPE time.The obstacles, delays, setbacks, distractions, assaults, and interference you have experienced for so long will suddenly be no more. It is time for My plan and purpose to take full effect in your life. This will require your active willingness and participation, but it will be so worth it; more than you could have thought, hoped for, dreamed of, or imagined. I AM a good God, and you are going to discover more of My goodness. I tell you this – surely I AM, and have been all along, at work in you, your life, and your circumstances. Never, and I emphasize the word N-E-V-E-R, has there been a time like the time you’ve just entered into. It’s better than you know. Let Me do My full work in you; let Me perfect it. I will fill you with the fire of My Spirit. I will take you to heights that are higher than you’ve ever known or even thought existed.
This is a new day, My beloved, and I just want you to know I’ve got you covered. So come into My presence and bask with Me; I delight in you. I sing songs of eternal joy over you and who you are in My Son. I truly love you more than you can fully know or comprehend. All that you have gone through and endured will be to your credit. If you’ve never heard Me say such a thing to you before it’s because I haven’t. But now, I AM, so go with it. Let Me conclude by saying I have been waiting for this time even more than you have; you really are going to be astounded by what I’m doing.This being so, I declare this day, all Heaven has started breaking loose over you. Receive it, beloved, and bind it to your soul!”

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